Most working-age men have sought temporary jobs in cities.
While the proportion of working-age men in the labor force dropped slightly, from 89.8 percent in 1978 to 88.6 percent this year, it increased dramatically for women.
A 2009 Lancet study concluded that as many as 1 million working-age men died due to the health problems brought on by mass privatisation.
They included 1299 working-age men who were contracted to work for Brogdens for two years but only 287 of them were still working for them.
Few people, especially working-age men, stay in the mountains.
He found that in 2004, 60.7 percent of working-age black men and 67.7 percent of Hispanic men were employed.
Most working-age men already had jobs, could only work harder by working longer, and didn't really have the ability to set their own hours.
But the figure disguises "hidden unemployment, " with up to 15 percent of working-age men claiming sickness and other benefits not registered in the statistics.
Almost half of working-age men in Russia who die are killed by alcohol abuse, reducing Russia's male life expectancy significantly.
By comparison, 75.6 percent of working-age men are in the labor force.