"In total, workers have set aside nearly $61 billion, which is invested in the sectors of the economy that show the most potential."
The workers would usually set them in clay to surface the patios around their living quarters.
Against a third wall, workers were setting up ma- chinery in preparation for another manufacturing project.
Under current law, workers can set aside no more than $2,000 a year in individual retirement accounts.
Sometimes, she adds, workers set unfinished orders aside and do not find the time to return to them.
The next step is to hire temps, then permanent workers after an expansion sets in.
Rather, workers first cut the trees, leave them to dry and finally set fire to them during the dry season.
After that, workers set their own goals for each session, and an overall goal of a date for full return to work.
He said the striking workers had set no conditions for returning to work.
On Monday night, workers set about dismantling its 42 concrete beams with a 500-ton crane.