Weschler had helped found something called the Cooperating Community, a network of Seattle businesses committed to ecological principles and worker self-management.
The interests of the coordinator class are seen as distinct from both workers and owners; this class's ideal is neither pure capitalism or worker self-management but a managerial state.
While the effort failed it gave rise to the idea of worker self-management.
They are often very open to ideas such as "worker self-management" and feminism.
Yugoslavia implemented a market socialist economy based on cooperatives and worker self-management.
Upon release, the film was criticized for not addressing many current issues of the New Left such as the woman's movement, sexual liberation and worker self-management.
Therefore, worker self-management, the ultimate form of economic democracy, disappeared when the Bolsheviks gained control of Russia.
This introduced the idea of worker self-management to him.
He advocated worker self-management and was opposed to the private ownership of the means of production.
The Party emphasizes the importance of worker self-management and participatory democracy.