The plan of action exists because workers represent half the world's population and are the major contributors to economic and social development.
These hourly workers represent about 80 percent of the nation's jobholders.
Local 14 represents workers who drive cranes, backhoes and other heavy equipment on construction sites.
However it was recognised that registered workers represented only a portion of the total population.
These companies' 250,000 workers represent a little more than 1 percent of the 20 million people who visited Times Square last year.
Humanitarian workers represent the better nature in us all.
Taken together, the 19,000 workers represent more than 11 percent of the combined work force, which stood at 166,000 at the beginning of the year.
These workers represent a large share of the nation's low-wage employees.
The 7,400 workers represent about 3 percent of the state's 210,000 employees.
We should also not forget that workers represent human capital for a company.