However, the company said this morning that workers had reported to work today.
The workers completed their strike and reported for work Monday, but the manufacturers refused to take them back.
Also, John's fellow workers reported an increase in his energy and a new ability to remain levelheaded.
The worker, records show, did not report the incident or monitor the child further.
He said many workers reported that they had never met their commissioner, much less the county executive, and seem buoyed by the attention.
In addition, several workers were unsure how to respond and did not report to their stations until more than two hours later.
"This brought home the reality of what was happening," reported one worker.
Store owners, foreign workers and residents have all reported their increasing numbers on the streets of Kabul.
"We expect workers to report to work tomorrow," the spokesman said.
The Clinton administration says this protection is essential to encourage workers to report their injuries.