As vast numbers of baby boomers begin to retire in a decade or so, there will not be enough younger workers to replace them.
The company said it would continue its efforts to hire workers to replace the 12,600 striking union members.
By the end of the century, free workers had replaced most of the slave labor.
Then workers will go in, inspect the leaking unit and probably replace it, a procedure expected to take about 15 hours.
Local workers could then busy out the appropriate switch or grid and replace it.
Before the station opened yesterday morning, he said, workers also replaced electric stop and go signals that the fire had damaged.
But, she says, few companies have noticed that there will not be enough younger workers to replace them.
So far, workers have replaced more than a 1,000 rivets on the structure.
"These workers will replace the team already here," Ommun said.
The only workers who lived this far from the casinos were the least skilled and most easily replaced.