However, the workers would prefer a 3:1 female to male ratio because they are 0.75 related to each other and only 0.25 related to their brothers.
In times of crisis, he said, workers may prefer to stay with a union they know, rather than switch to an untested rival.
Worker preference - homesourced workers often need or prefer to work from home.
Nevertheless, she supposed that these workers would prefer doing mental work to heavy labor out in the agricultural fields.
And many workers, including white-collar employees, prefer France's often subsidized company canteens.
For now, however, European workers and politicians prefer to put off any hard decisions.
And oftentimes, even if they could switch to a paying job, workers prefer to stay with the old factory.
Why do workers prefer to take real wage cuts in the form of price rises?
There seems to be an assumption that the workers would prefer a large financial settlement to regaining their health.
Those workers might prefer cash to the small retirement benefit they receive, in any case.