Most of it is mechanized, but workers still load five-gallon pails and 60-pound plastic bags with a shovel.
There, in a joint project with a company called Rabanco Recycling, workers load the dirty diapers into a contraption resembling a giant food blender.
Two trucks were there, and five workers were loading cages onto it, their hands in thick leather gloves.
Under Tom's supervision, the perspiring workers loaded the equipment aboard and made everything secure.
She is gagged and the workers load her in a test torpedo with another case of dynamite.
After workers loaded the weapons onto a conveyor, automated equipment would take over the process.
The workers were loading farm produce, primarily peaches and plums, from a walk-in cooler into a refrigerated truck.
For the workers here loading the birds on trucks for shipment, the biggest problem is how to avoid being bitten.
I caught up with the truck at the harbor; the two workers loading it glanced at me curiously, but didn't ask what I was doing here.
So the cooperative bought it, and four migrant workers are loading it onto an 18-wheeler truck to take to the cooperative's storage depot.