It surged over the last five years as workers increased their output for each hour on the job.
American workers increased their productivity by 1.4 percent last year.
Nevertheless, workers in the management of Comibol increased salaries and the work force by nearly 50 percent.
As a consequence the workers in the field were increasing by degrees, and the reform was steadily spreading.
In the beginning of 1978 the workers increased to 80.
The current official population stands at 2.5 million; during the business day, workers increase this figure to over 3.5 million.
Even with the agreement, however, the amount of trash the workers collected did not increase appreciably, officials now say.
But the worker can also sue for lost future earnings and significantly increase the amount of money he or she receives.
As the workers increase in number, more-specialized castes are added.
Drowsy or tired workers can increase the risk of workplace injuries.