With more than half the agency's workers hired in the last decade, the demand for child care is strong, he said.
Only workers hired after July 2007 would have had to accept the new program.
Union officials said 1,000 other workers hired since March 21 will be part of the bargaining unit.
Many will be temporary workers hired to conduct the 2000 census.
The managers will decide what to produce, what equipment to buy and which workers to hire.
But in our system workers will hire capital rather than the other way around.
In about 15 percent of all cases, the injured workers hire lawyers to put pressure on employers for large settlements.
From there, land would have to be cleared, barns built and workers hired.
The union has agreed to flexible schedules, without overtime pay, for workers hired since 1987.
The 680 workers hired to build the museum completed the construction in 13 months.