By twos and threes the workers filed in and waited their turn.
If the scientists are unable to determine the dose, the worker may file for "special exposure cohort" status.
After several hours, the workers filed into the huge Hyundai sports stadium, vowing to stay until their demands were met.
To invoke this protection, a worker must "file a prior written refusal" with the hospital.
The workers filed a lawsuit that was dismissed.
Then, workers must file complaints with labor tribunals, a long, expensive process.
In all, more than 8,000 workers have filed suit against the city and dozens of its contractors who worked on the cleanup of ground zero.
City records indicate that the social worker filed a complaint to the state central register on child abuse and neglect.
The workers were filing past, chanting something melodious and without meaning.
The workers filed in, their faces stiffened by sleep and the cold, like saucers of milk gone hard.