Soon after the explosion, the police and firefighters evacuated several apartment buildings near the store while workers for the utility excavated the street.
Gallery for drawings, prints and photographs, workers excavated a Gothic Revival arch from the original 1880's building.
In tin mining today, workers excavate tunnels or 'drives' horizontally from a vertical shaft.
The 55th Street site, where workers are excavating for the foundation of a new building, is controlled by Stephen M. Ross, chairman of the Related Companies.
Several weeks ago, workers excavated three 13-foot-long wooden water mains from Water Street in Manhattan, Mr. Sturcken said.
In order to permit fuller use of the existing portions of the building, workers excavated the street to the same level as the basement.
The shield divided the workface into overlapping portions that each worker could excavate.
Starting from the south, workers excavated a channel northwards, and by 1857 the channel had rejoined the river forming a shortcut past the bend in the river.
In 1988, workers excavated the northeast corner of the building, creating a series of landscaped terraces.
A chamber filled with pressurised air was built at the lower level of these caissons so that workers could excavate under the caissons.