That includes concerns for worker empowerment, worry about plutocracy, concerns about feminism and various kinds of social equality.
JEL: M54 - Labor Management (team formation, worker empowerment, job design, tasks and authority, job satisfaction)
A quarter of a century ago, though, it was internationally renowned as the site of an audacious experiment in worker empowerment.
Indeed, worker empowerment has almost become a cliche.
And tensions ran high in the early 1990's when the Xerox Corporation announced huge layoffs despite its attempts at worker empowerment over the last two decades.
Instead, she is a champion of worker empowerment, worker education and Japanese quality methods.
Today, he is still an hourly wage earner, but his factory has entered the modern world of worker empowerment.
And finally, to the 90's, which G.E. says should be characterized by worker empowerment and creativity.
"But now I can say the situation is better, and we're even starting to see the success stories of worker empowerment."
The president of the international union is Canadian-born Lynn R. Williams, who is one of the leading North American advocates of worker empowerment.