Mr. Licari said some workers had elected to move, but he declined to say how many.
Outside the steel and coal industries, workers could elect one-third of the supervisory board.
He has also proposed that workers elect factory managers, which are now appointed by the Government.
After his arrival, Yurkovsky arrests the mine's director and tells the workers to elect a replacement.
But by a 55-to-32 margin the workers elected an independent union, for the first time in a maquiladora.
The military authorities also demanded that workers should elect their future leaders according to the aims and objectives of Ethiopian socialism.
The strike began April 30, three months after the workers had elected Local 6 as their bargaining agent.
Only 500 workers have elected to take the severance package announced earlier this year.
The process begins when the workers of a city elect their local soviet.
While most workers do not elect rollovers - only 13 percent of people younger than 55 do - that is a mistake, experts say.