Those workers belong to the same local but work under a different contract.
Only one worker in six belongs to a union today.
Nationally, the number of workers belonging to a union fell by 612,000 to 14,715,000 in 2010.
Back in the 1960's there was every reason to believe that workers and capitalists belonged to the same happy family.
They think the government to be the ultimate union to where all workers in the country belong; private unions can go against that.
About two-thirds of the laid-off workers belong to the union.
The share of workers belonging to a union in 2008 showed the largest annual growth rate since the first report in 1983.
In 2003, approximately 10.5 million workers, 19.6% of all employees, belonged to labor unions.
Others claim that routine white-collar workers still belong to the middle class.
The percentage of American workers belonging to unions fell last year to 13.5 percent, its lowest point in six decades.