But a recipient who was charged with stealing $1,700 said a social worker had approached her through a mutual friend.
The social worker approached her and asked severely, "Are you in trouble?"
But as these workers approach the looming walls and smokestacks they are greeted by something new.
The coalition said the department could use those groups as their eyes and ears because low-wage workers often approach them first about workplace violations.
One of the people whom outreach workers will probably approach in the coming months is Herbert Liepnieks.
Then social workers approached her, looking for prostitutes to educate about AIDS.
Rather than walk the assembly line hobnobbing with workers, he stood behind a rope and shook hands as workers approached him.
One worker approached the field as a work of art, placing one pumpkin on its side then stepping back to gauge the effect.
This control would automatically open and close laundry presses when workers approached the machines.
Many Federal workers are approaching the day with nervous humor.