After child care and other work-related expenses, she will be lucky if she brings home much at all from that $30,000 job.
The Whitman proposal would also provide vouchers to participants to help them pay for transportation to their new jobs and to cover other work-related expenses.
An error like yours is a legitimate work-related expense that should be borne by the boss.
Legislators also receive $89 a day to cover work-related expenses.
But virtually all the gain was eaten up by work-related expenses like clothing, child care and transportation.
These comparisons assume that you continue paying a mortgage and have work-related expenses.
Presumably you will be mostly rid of a mortgage and work-related expenses.
The days of worrying about children's tuition, work-related expenses or approaching retirement are over.
We have had to confront previous attempts to break with Federal tax policy, recognizing that dependent care is an important work-related expense.
It would also require states to help pay for child care, transportation and other work-related expenses incurred by such recipients.