Mr. Craft worked with his sister when she first took over the business.
But I love working with my sister.
Since 2002 he has worked steadily with his sister, Erin, a composer based in Austria.
Nonetheless, she had some initial reservations about working with her sister on the guesthouse.
So, in a lawyerly way, she worked with her sister to lay down ground rules.
Jackson was happy to work with his sister again, explaining that as they still had a passion for dancing it reminded him of "old times."
After graduating from high school, he worked with his sister on a small Welsh poultry farm for five years.
Mitsuyo currently lives a mundane life, working at a men's clothing store and living with her younger sister.
Working with her sister, Rachel, she set about improving the welfare of children living in the slums, and campaigned for free school meals.
She has been working with her sister at the nail shop.