In the religious context, jihad most nearly means "working urgently for a certain godly objective, generally a positive one".
Governments and international donors should also work urgently to provide new financing to help high-risk countries train community workers to do safe circumcision.
'She's only been here a couple of times, when I needed to work on some papers very urgently.'
The investigator said the authorities were working urgently to identify the members of the group and its aims.
We will urgently work to identify where problems may be.
He was determined to finish the opera, and worked urgently to complete it before going into hospital for surgery.
When, one day, Hoda gets sick, the three men urgently work hard to gather enough money to pay for her surgery.
Every university in the world will be urgently working for priority in this aspect of the problem or that.
The presidency will continue to work urgently together with others in the international community to achieve this objective.
A spokesman said: "The board is urgently working with its advisers to seek a solution to secure a viable future for the company."