It can be a small work space often seen in offices.
The work space was barely big enough for a desk and computer.
You must carry out a health and safety risk assessment on your work space.
Many workers are far from happy with their work spaces.
But what of the man whose work space is virtually empty?
In these studies there is a work space and storage area.
The project had only one computer and no real work space.
Or, do you simply think the environmental benefits are reason enough to consider a virtual work space?
He has a second bedroom to use as work space.
A kitchen occupied one wall and a work space another.
I have such an incredible pride and love for the people who work space - not so much for the leadership.
The single-storey extension provided working space for the post office.
The house was a single enormous room, combining sleeping, living and working space.
The access corridor was filled with the hard blue light that dominated any 'pointer working space.
By the early 1870s, Senate working space was again in short supply.
It is now work space that will serve the needs of the Senators for another 50 years.
But that configuration is being dramatically transformed by a growing competition for living and working space.
But some businesses require working space for product drafting, manufacture or assembly.
Like many cathedral complexes, it also contains working space for the bishop and staff.
Please could I get mine removed and have extra office working space instead?