The general concept behind "job families" is to put all people who work together into the same group regardless of their skill level.
The mathematics works the same regardless of the particular interpretation in use.
Students are required to work in a work-study program regardless of financial situation.
He is seeking to portray himself as a Republican who works well with people, regardless of their political affiliations.
If it is necessary to stretch out payments, he continued, "I would much rather work with a bank, regardless of the bank's rate."
Our objective was to create a framework that would work regardless of the world situation.
It's a place where people can, if they prove themselves, work lucrative deals regardless of their background.
They have a policy of working with every family, regardless of ability to pay the tuition.
I and my colleagues regularly work 12 to 15 hours at a stretch, regardless of the departure time.
Everyone is working together in peace, regardless of race.