But the original was not strung together in a simple linear fashion as was the work print.
"They would say, 'How did you edit it if you didn't have a work print?' "
Despite the similarities, Wells found the work print to be richer and more satisfying than the theatrical version.
The exhibition copy, which may have been a work print, may have been the only copy ever struck.
The work prints in particular give insight into what made the book succeed.
The five-DVD special edition, scheduled for release in December 2007, includes five versions of the film, including a work print.
The unused ending has not been officially released, but a leaked work print was widely traded among fans on the internet during the late 1990s.
The segment was included on a work print of the film from 11 February 1988 but was excluded from the final release of the film.
To do so, a first-generation print, called a work print, is made from the original negative, then transferred to videotape.
And I didn't know you needed a work print.