Working on the episode, however, was a bit stressful for some of the players involved.
I'm only working on the second episode now," he said, "but you can sense the integrity on this show.
Before working on the episode, Martin had seen one of the quartet's performances and enjoyed it.
While working on the episode, the series' staff debated what size to make Homer's pupils when he is under the influence of marijuana.
As they worked on the episode however, Jean became more acquainted with the band members.
Still, Selman has said that working on the episode was "very fun" for the writers.
Writers from each show worked on the episode of the other show.
We're working on the fourth episode, and I haven't seen an alien yet.
Uniquely, the end credits featured still photos of the production crew working on the episode.
And sometime during the day they had to work on the sixth episode, which they were writing themselves.