The trouble was the work of foreign forces out to undermine him, he railed.
The work of forces generated by a potential function is known as potential energy and the forces are said to be conservative.
The work of forces acting at various points on a single rigid body can be calculated from the work of a resultant force and torque.
Rather, it all appears to be the work of either paranormal forces or a large and well-financed organization with motives that evade me.
Rebuilding the bridge here, like much of the other reconstruction being done in this country, had been the work of foreign forces.
"Or was that the work of mysterious forces beyond your control?"
But for , expansion causes temperature to decrease because the work of attractive intermolecular forces dominates, giving a positive change in energy.
Clearly the work of dark forces.
The holes seemed too regular and too evenly spaced to be the work of natural forces.
But now it has become grimly apparent that the bombings are the work of larger and well-organized forces.