Lyons stated that what the show "once had was a unique balance of sci-fi comedy, which worked magnificently."
In this gripping work, the marriage works magnificently.
I see that irony bypass you had is still working magnificently well.
The Esau Letter works so magnificently, in fact, that it shows up the shortcomings of the rest of the novel.
Their coats were off, their swords laid aside, they were working magnificently.
The machine was tried; it worked magnificently; it crushed a strong nation like Poland in a few weeks.
Throughout the six-day voyage, Warrington's ship's company worked magnificently to keep their ship afloat.
His own pony, the one he had taken from the dead Kubrati, was still working magnificently.
We had very little time and our technical and other departments worked magnificently.
He said after the important win: "I want to dedicate this to the team, because my teammates worked magnificently all week.