Three task forces will work internally on reforming the Fifa statutes, the ethics committee, and transparency and compliance.
Lawyers within the Department of Defense worked internally to circumvent those policies and instead mandate non-coercive interrogation standards, but were not successful.
Poedit understands all encodings supported by operating system and works in Unicode internally.
That government needs to work well internally with all elements of Pakistani leadership.
And if one site wants to, say, actually ask the Nintendo representatives how the controller works internally, that'd be nice too.
It is claimed that when the dog licks its skin, this medicine will also work internally.
I don't know anything about the way they work internally.
Well-run software houses possess various systems and procedures implemented and working internally across all the sub-teams.
"We will be working internally, with professionals and with Ticketmaster, to make sure that fans are adequately protected," he said.
It doesn't say anything about how the code will work internally.