You are being forced to work for him and his masters.
The blacks work, and the oppressed classes work, for their capitalist masters.
- Practices of slavery, still in existence, transmitted by birth to individuals from certain ethnic groups, who are compelled to work for their masters.
Most freedmen work for their former masters, as you know, for the freeborn commoners leave mighty slim pickings.
The monks as other village people had to work for their aristocratic masters.
The law required that the former slaves work under a three-year contract either for their former masters, other people interested in their services or for the "state".
In order to accomplish this, the majority of the freed slaves continued to work for their former masters for some time.
In them slaves declared that they had received their freedom by promising to work for their masters to pay off their debts.
As a consequence, the slaves became peasants, continuing to work for their former masters or joining the nomadic Roma craftsmen and musicians.
If you want to make yourself useful, start working on your surrender speech for your new masters, who should be along soon.