You can give employees more time away from work by allowing them to work flexibly.
"This ability to work flexibly is something taught in the military - it's something they bring to us and something we value," he said.
Three out of ten students believe that it should betheir 'right' to work flexibly from home once they enter the workforce, new research reveals.
For those that can work flexibly, they can change there hours to suit just as they do now.
Many posts are suitable for people who wish to work flexibly, to job-share or to work part time.
Circulate information about possible options and how to apply to work flexibly.
People who know how to program the machines and make them work ever more flexibly in the production systems there.
It works flexibly from side to side like the rudder of a ship.
This behavior enables even large groups to work flexibly together towards a common goal.
The idea behind the plan was for individuals to work less but more flexibly, enabling machinery to operate for longer periods.