Our work enhanced our image as a mainstream, effective organization, and I don't want to dissipate any of that.
The work that will be done with this money will create green jobs and enhance an attractive destination for all to enjoy," said Kucinich.
"For elephants in captivity, work may actually enhance their lives," he said.
His work on Arachnida and Mollusca significantly enhanced the collections of the museum in the two zoological groups.
The honor is presented to those whose work, according to the library, "nurtures the love of learning and enhances understanding of the world."
LSC's work promotes the rule of law and enhances respect for the nation's civil legal system.
Mr. Parker's work as a drama student at Brooklyn College enhanced his talk.
Much work was done to preserve, strengthen, and enhance this sacred object.
The work will enhance the external appearance of the site as well as improving the internal facilities.
His work enhanced the accuracy of now-common procedures like mammograms and blood analyses.