It gets going in cool, humid conditions, starting at the top of the plant and working downward.
Soon they had left the ledge, crossed from it to more gradual slopes as their trail worked downward into the valley.
Ahumado began at his armpits and began to work downward.
They started at the top of the old tower and worked downward.
Carving began from the top of the temple, working downward.
Next, he tried the back of his thighs, starting at the crease and working downward to the knee.
During the next four hours, the sores seemed to dry up in waves, starting from the chest working downward to the limbs.
To clean a chimney, you may work downward from the top or upward from the bottom.
Bidding for all shifts begins at $40.50 and works downward.
The doctor felt around the man's head, his hands working downward to the neck.