He had been working covertly and underground, his miner's lamp shining on a rich, new seam.
India has a long history of covertly working towards the nuclear weapons.
During this time period, he turned over information that included the name of an FBI agent who was working covertly on Russian intelligence matters.
The book's fractured format is said to have enabled Newman to work covertly on her novel at her day job.
The Los Angeles class 6881s were designed to work covertly, without help from any other vessel.
She works covertly from a safe distance using the roots to attack her opponents.
Because of this event and the Freedom of Power Treaty, the team now works covertly.
The criminal complaint also accuses the father of working covertly for Iraqi intelligence.
He covertly works with Hazil to improve the guerrilla's chances of success, but is eventually caught.
Carl, having won by lottery the right to return from Mars, works covertly, tracking down renegade Thirteens.