Some researchers are now exploring ways to permit people to work anonymously in ubiquitous computer networks.
Usually they work anonymously in a network of safe houses and apartments and an office with an unpublished address.
He is determined to make it on his own and is working anonymously at the restaurant.
He was discovered last month by foreign journalists, working anonymously with aid groups in a remote area of western Cambodia.
The Consuls were a series of absolutely good men who worked anonymously and masked upon the earth, undertaking to head up the governments.
It begins with two examples of traditional Indian art, when artists worked anonymously under royal patronage.
It may surprise you to know that I prefer to work anonymously, and that it is the problem itself which attracts me.
As an outcast he works anonymously for a greater purpose, and is known to go against authorities should his mission necessitate it.
In A Chorus Line, success is working anonymously in the background.
This, however, does not mean that the Council can work on this anonymously.