The majority of those living in the parish are of working age.
The trouble with this approach is that the definition of "working age" has changed substantially in the last 100 years.
Its population is 75% male, and, overwhelmingly, of working age.
About eighty percent of the borough's population is working age.
In this way, when our students reach working age, they will have a variety of choices and experiences from which to select a career.
It took a further 30 years before the Government required children to receive an education before working age.
In 2000 there were almost three people of working age for every person over 60.
Providing they didn't all starve before he came of working age.
In 1945, when today's welfare state was born, there were seven people of working age to each person aged over 65.
Although there are four people of working age for every person over 65 at present, the ratio will be half that by the year 2050.