Called the "wordless book", it was a collection of 15 illustrations.
Because these are wordless books the silent horseman, like the narrator in a pantomime, sets the pace and leads the way.
The design, tone and atmosphere of the illustrations in the almost wordless book are pleasant and appealing.
A series of 6 wordless books.
A series of virtually wordless books featuring a male and a female anthropomorphic hippopotamus or elephant and the word that is in the title.
(Ages 3 to 6) A drop of water from a leaky sink wakes a little mouse who sets off, in this wordless book, to explore.
In this almost wordless book, a cat asks a dog to dance.
Picture books, including concept books that teach the alphabet or counting for example, pattern books, and wordless books.
A wordless book that realizes the potential of the form will have the narrative structure of a well-told tale.
She also stitched and bound a wordless book of her handmade paper.