Marfa could with a word have paid Nadia for all her devotion to her.
Noah Baxter's last words, and his own hunch, had paid off.
His words were paying Quark a compliment, but the voice held an edge of sarcasm.
Although millions of people have read Classen's book and understand the words "pay yourself first," in reality they pay themselves last.
A few words of praise and allowing an extra minute or two in the shower would have paid huge dividends in the long run.
By the back and side doors someone has painted the words "Pay Toilet."
Armed with little more than reason, Diderot constantly measured his words yet often paid the price of defying authority.
One more word of advice - don't pay "sticker price" without checking with a cruise specialist to see what else is out there.
The words Pays Basque also appear on either side of the logo in green.
Every day for the past 63 years, those four words have paid her a haunting visit.