All the while, the horrific words and images emanating from Queens carried the unsettling air of the familiar.
During his term as Vice President, George H. W. Bush was first depicted as completely invisible, his words emanating from a little "voice box" in the air.
With his electrafluid glowing bright blue with mental activity, Cogitor Vidad sent words emanating through a speakerpatch.
The televised images of the thugs' thugs wielding crowbars in Port-au-Prince may overpower any words emanating from the White House for some time to come.
According to word emanating from some clubs, owners are saying they have been told that once the players strike, they will come back after missing their second paycheck.
Just as the center of the spine was the focus where every sound in the arena reverberated, so words emanating from that one place were plain throughout.
But what really inspired the Sooner faithful was word emanating from the team about the family tone Stoops had set, as well as his insistence that the state needed to raise its expectations.
I do know that almost no real person believes a word emanating from anyone involved in this fiasco.
CBS displayed a white or blue bar with the words CBS StereoSound (CBS' stereo sound system) emanating from a central position on the screen.
But the reality of the situation is more pressing, and while "peace" is a powerful word emanating from that statement, so is the word "launch."