Because the questions are worded differently each year, direct comparisons cannot be made.
The walnut industry, for example, tested several differently worded claims with consumers and found little impact on their intent to buy.
Memories are likely to be altered when questions are worded differently or when inaccurate information is presented.
Equal pay between men and women has also, historically, been treated separately in law and follows differently worded legal requirements.
Worded differently, what are the conditions under which a signal can be reconstructed from its zero crossings?
This treaty differs from others, however, in that the two language versions are worded differently.
It describes participants witnessing an accident whose responses changed if questions were worded differently.
Lastly, the Commission could accept Amendment No 14 if it were worded differently.
Nearly all states have anti-harassment statutes similar in intent to New York's, although they are worded differently.
Section 15 itself dates back to the earliest draft of the Charter, published in October 1980, but it was worded differently.