The garden features include a flower collections, wooded areas and a woodland walk, and water features.
A woodland walk is well known locally for abundant snowdrop blooms in February.
I wandered back to the native woodland walk, where May apples and bloodroot were starting to appear under the shade of indigenous trees and shrubs.
Facilities include a small visitor centre, a sculpture trail, a woodland walk and a game fishery.
There is a woodland walk in the Schoenstatt and there are other areas you can explore that most people will find fantastical.
There will be a woodland walk on Saturday, beginning at 3 P.M., to learn about the plant species growing at the edge of the forest.
For the more active there is the woodland walk and the children's adventure play area.
"It is very small scale, but I want to make a woodland walk, a lovely place where birds, voles and even barn owls might come," she says.
At the extreme east of the Grove a woodland walk has been created.
The whole complex, with mill dam, reed bed, miller's croft and woodland walk, is now a local heritage visitor centre.