Unmoved by wave or ripple, it was placid as some deep woodland pool when night rushes up over the world.
Its subject was a couple of draped nudes standing at the edge of a woodland pool.
The water in the basin, still as a woodland pool, suddenly trembled for no apparent reason.
Canteens had been filled at the last woodland pool.
Right back at the pretty little woodland pool I told you about!
Lights flitted above woodland pools, and wandered through the wood.
Since 1926, this has been used as a woodland swimming pool.
For Garric it was like seeing his reflection among the leaves of a woodland pool, distorted but clearly himself.
"That" was a shallow woodland pool in the center of a little open glade where the path ended.
Oh, the odd stream and woodland pool aren't too bad, but look at the size of that old river.