(Scott) 'OVER THE HEDGE' (PG, 83 minutes) This tale about some woodland critters threatened by their new human neighbors has the technical trappings of a worthwhile Saturday matinee, so it's too bad no one paid commensurate attention to the script.
The loquacious D. Wayne Lukas even came up with a new word for these interlopers: "muskrats," those lumpy woodland critters not known for their speed.
Ziff, an active investor, enjoys playing electric guitar and cuddling with small furry woodland critters in the Lake County Forest Preserves.
Most shed antlers are devoured by mice and other small woodland critters.
It's also very funny, and the little woodland critters that make up the cast are a kiddie-pleasing bunch".
Stella the Stoat, Ralph the Moose, and Robert the Red Deer was reused for Elmo's Christmas Countdown as one of the woodland critters in the "Carol of the Bells" number with Jennifer Hudson.
Stan is further horrified to discover that the woodland critters are revealed to be, in fact, Satan worshippers, and that their Savior is actually the Antichrist, not an animalistic Son of God.
The spirits rise and possess Beckett and Myles, Artemis's twin brothers, and Juliet, corpses, and woodland critters.
Trey Parker and Matt Stone cite the film as an inspiration for their Satan worshipping woodland critters who engage in gory acts and orgies in the South Park episode "Woodland Critter Christmas".
By the time she was found, if she was found, the woodland critters, four-, six- and eight-legged, would have done their best to destroy any evidence of who had pulled the trigger.