They build a huge system of wooden tripods across the river.
It stood on a large wooden tripod with a long neck to allow it to shoot up at very high angles.
The photographer set up his heavy wooden tripod and disappeared under the black cloth while his assistant stood by with the plates.
The camera is bulky, mounted on a wooden tripod.
A brass telescope sat by the window, supported by a wooden tripod.
They build systems of wooden tripods across the rapids fixed in holes carved in the rock by the water current.
The operators would ask questions and a wooden tripod on wheels would be guided to the correct answer.
The servants went around lighting lanterns that hung on wooden tripods.
The Qirbah is hung in a shady windy place, either from the ceiling, a beam or on a wooden tripod.
One minute later, a clock, mounted on a wooden tripod, is stationed up the river.