There were doors on either side and a staircase, its wooden treads worn with age, rose halfway down the hall, curving away to the floor above.
The bridge was virtually upside down where I hung-- and the situation became worse as the wooden treads fell out of position.
There were doors on either side, and passages leading off left and right with an uncarpeted staircase, its wooden treads worn with age, at the back of the hall.
Anna found traces of what could be blood soaked into the wooden treads of the stairs leading to the second tier and her apartment.
It had a soft lipstick, that was inflated, and wooden treads.
Fran followed him slowly, keeping her eyes centred on the polished wooden treads and away from the muscled strength of his thighs.
The staircases are of travertine with wooden treads.
The sparse white interior is centered by a striking spiral staircase with wooden treads.
The staircase was a spiral with high, narrow wooden treads, and now and then Blake passed a clouded window looking dizzily out over the city.
Kelly attenuated that by keeping close to the wall, minimizing the displacement of the wooden treads, moving very slowly, eyes locked upwards because there was nothing below to concern him now.