The dining area contained a U-shaped table hand-hewn from dark rennel oak, twenty-five matching chairs, and a number of wooden sideboards for serving.
A bar and a television set in the front room suggest a neighborhood joint, as does the old wooden sideboard laden with grilled vegetables, frittatas and assorted antipasti.
Czernobog walked to the old wooden sideboard and, bending down, pulled an attaché case from underneath it.
She is seated on a red cushion and rests her back against a wooden sideboard.
A collection of porcelain horses, a red parrot and a white donkey, along with a few plates, were housed in a wooden sideboard with glass doors.
She had a real china tea set on the dark wooden sideboard.
He shone the light through the window and saw nothing but two old mildewed armchairs and a heavy wooden sideboard.
Cord walked over to the carved wooden sideboard against the wall and poured himself a brandy.
Furnishings from the Liniers family and later owners include enormous wooden sideboards and other elaborate, heavy furniture, which tells another kind of story.
The sekiyr extended the cart's legs and carefully set out dinner as Master Dabarrah pulled stools to a wooden sideboard.