When the rocks reached the well on sledges that ran on saplings thrown under the wooden runners.
Behind me Nathan is having problems, his wooden runners sticking in the snow and causing him to go slowly.
Zedd pressed his lips together, to keep from crying out as his bones bumped over protruding wooden runners in the wagon bed.
The sledge passed by them only fifty feet away, its wooden runners sliding over the snow with a chilling hiss.
The harshness of it sounded above the noise of the gig wheels on their wooden runners.
If the drawer has wooden runners on the bottom or wooden tracks on the sides, remove it entirely.
To check the wooden runners or tracks, slide your fingers gently over them.
The kicksleds of that era had stiff wooden runners and were heavy.
The toboggan consists of a wide wicker basket with a cushioned seat, set on wooden runners.
Traditional Eskimo dog sleds glide easily because they have wooden runners, which are poor thermal conductors and hold onto the heat of friction.