Until the early 1960's, internal inspections of the empty tanks were made from a wooden rowboat.
The rotted hull of a wooden rowboat lay discarded, never to be repaired or used again.
These tours were given using wooden rowboats until 1873 when the first steamboat, the Modocawanda, was used.
There's a wooden rowboat under the porch that I use for fishing.
A man whose wooden rowboat was washed up on the town beach during a storm let the museum have the boat.
Tied to a pier was a small wooden rowboat.
The craft was basically a wooden rowboat, with a separate and overlarge tiller.
Blindingly hot hours in a wooden rowboat, trolling for bass.
I've got an old wooden rowboat there, one I've had since I was a kid.
He pointed to an old wooden rowboat rotting upside-down beneath a hawthorn.