Cunningham, the head groundskeeper, dumped bright beige sand on the damp, dark mound and deftly distributed it with a wooden rake.
Each member took turns employing a short-handled wooden rake to rid the plot of impurities.
His heart turned to custard as he saw her, without a moment's pause, turn from dressing him to polishing his wooden rake.
The wooden rake fell to the marble floor with a clatter.
A rooster stands watch at the side of the road; a man and a young boy tend to vines; a woman gathers hay with a wooden rake.
Then we had a a little wooden rake, the length of the head was a yard.
In the commercial situation, at flowering they will cut the plant hard back, then knock them with wooden rakes to root and produce more plants.
The women comb through the drying couscous with a wooden rake as it dries, giving an effect similar to that of a Japanese sand garden.
The melon millionaire opened the back doors of the truck and took out a long-handled mason's shovel and a wide-toothed wooden rake.
Every few days or even daily, the harvester (French paludier) pushes or pulls the salt with a long wooden rake.