Sunlight filtered in a crazy pattern through broken wooden louvers.
The most significant alteration has been the replacement of the original wooden louvers windows with metal louvered windows.
So Patience made her way to the place under the stairs where a wooden louver in the heating vent was missing.
One wall of fieldstones and polished wooden louvers looks as if it came from a Frank Lloyd Wright catalog.
Looking up at the towers, you see that the pale wooden louvers recall the ecru covers of French books.
The four large windows that are a permanent part of the theater's outside wall have been covered with wooden louvers, as if to keep out a stifling heat.
Other features include chamfered door stiles, wooden louvers for the stained-glass windows, and brass door hardware.
They had a straight-on view of the right side of the tower, facing a window opening blocked by wooden louvers.
As with the Flatpak, buyers will select the unit's interior and exterior walls - transparent glass, solid panels or wooden louvers - to get the look they want.
He considers one object now in stock the pinnacle of his career: an elliptical over-door fan, with 48 angled wooden louvers dating from the early 1800's ($1,000).