The first floor, protected by wooden laths was used to dry clothes washed by washerwomen.
Grilles of tightly interwoven wooden laths were set in the floor.
Start the repair by removing all loose plaster and fastening a piece of new metal mesh lath against any exposed wooden lath.
Until the mid twentieth century, it was standard practice in Western construction to surface interior walls using wooden lath and a layer of plaster about a half-inch thick ("lath and plaster").
The paerk, or serve area, is marked off with wooden laths and measures 2.1 x 0.7 metres.
Chopping with a short pick, Strampf dug deep into wooden laths.
He and Andy Ladygo perfected an acrylic injection technique for re-attaching historic plaster walls and ceilings to wooden laths.
The play used elaborate special effects to simulate a train running through the station, such as garden-rollers running over wooden laths, thunder sheets, etc.
In another small, close room, an anonymous priest waited behind a screen woven of rushes and thin wooden laths to hear his confession.
Caulking was generally tarred moss that was inserted into curved grooves, covered with wooden laths, and secured by metal staples called sintels.