The tragic event led to the abolition of wooden escalators at all Underground stations and pledges of greater investment.
The King's Cross fire killed 31 people in November 1987 when a lit match set fire to a wooden escalator.
It was connected with the elevated station by a fare lobby that featured long, narrow wooden escalators, the lower sections of which lasted until 2004.
One notable feature of the department store was wooden escalators which remained until the structure was demolished in 1977.
It kept its original wooden escalator until 2003, one of the last underground tube stations to do so.
The basket stopped in a maze of foliage and the treeship captain led the way up a wooden escalator worn with age.
No,' said Lenar Hoyt, emerging from the darkness at the head of the wooden escalator which served as the main staircase '!
The store has several wooden escalators still in operation.
By January 1990 the wooden escalators in subterranean Underground stations had been replaced with metal ones.
After his inspection, Sir Keith singled out the wooden escalator as the origin of the fire.