Only the foundations and remains of a wooden enclosure around it remain.
Soon after work began on the wooden enclosure, the project was stopped because of a lack of funds.
There is a wooden enclosure, with peepholes, where the women of the royal household used to sit and watch the performance.
A honey bucket well is a hole in the ground, capped with a raised wooden enclosure or none at all.
Though they look interesting, they have a thinner, lower quality sound output compared to the wooden enclosure.
The wooden enclosures were too far apart and too big for the Hunters to surround.
He did so for the same reason that some people are buying or making wooden enclosures today.
The wooden enclosure around the front door is dilapidated, but the window frames look neatly painted.
It was a wooden enclosure surrounded by walls within which wild animals were placed in large numbers.
It was constructed in 1774, and originally was topped with a wooden enclosure.